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Old 01-30-2016, 09:09 AM   #12
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Re: Cal Trans truck broke my windshield

I filed a claim, just have to see what happens. Not a big deal if they don't pay, I think I paid $200 installed for my last windshield so it's not going to kill me. Seems my truck atracts projectiles, a couple years ago a guy in front of me had a box of small steel parts fall out of his truck, I heard something hit my truck so I pulled over behind him as he went back to clean up his mess, couldn't find any damage so I helped him pick up the steel off the hiway, I took off while he rearranged his load and about two miles down the road I saw steam coming out from under my hood, found a piece of steel stuck in my new radiator, had my hood up and the guy drove right past without blinking an eye.
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