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Old 01-30-2016, 06:29 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2012
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Posts: 97
Heirloom - 73 C10 Cheyenne

I've been thinking about putting this thread together for a long while. It is a bit of a story and a long trip (it isn't over yet either).

I've been looking and learning a lot from all the guys on here over the last five years and really haven't posted much at all. Maybe some of the stuff I can put up here will help some others with their projects...many things which seem simple in hindsight were really a difficult learning curve at first. I'm ok with my hands but don't have any real talent like some of you guys. Every piece of this has been a fight to get done at least halfway right.

Here's how it looked when I was getting ready to haul it back into the sunlight in 2011.
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