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Old 01-31-2016, 09:09 PM   #18
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Re: 72 "converted" 4x4 sold for $79,000 at BJ

Originally Posted by davepl View Post
Cheaper than building it. It's a short box, big block, hugger orange, fully restored 4x4 Cheyenne with Air, AM/FM, tach, marker lights, and so on.

Other than the engine compartment and wheels it looks reasonably authentic, but I am surprised that a non-original truck would pull this high. Imagine what it'd be worth if it had come from the factory that way. Actually, between you and me, I think it was priced and bought like an original but it wasn't born this way.

I have to laugh when other people complain about people having "too much money". Meanwhile, they own 5 trucks. I have one truck. Every time I see a .sig with 3-8 trucks in it I don't feel the need to comment on it.

For all anyone knows the buyer is a member or will be shortly. Take it easy on them. If this is the truck you want, you can write a big check now or 1000 medium checks over the course of the next 4 years building it yourself. There's no shortcut.
I don't think it's cheaper than building it. If it was built with all NOS parts then maybe. But with Chinese repop parts, nah.
1967 C10, LWB, 250, Powerglide, PS, PB, 3/4 STATIC DROP
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