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Old 02-02-2016, 05:10 PM   #2
Wrenchbender Ret
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Re: help on tune up and carburetor issues

Sounds like the timing is slow. Advance the timing a little & try it. To advance it , loosen the clamp screw a little & turn the dist. the direction that the vacuum advance points to. CCW looking down on the dist. If it runs better advance it a little more & try it. If it pings on hard acceleration or kicks back or bogs when starting the engine you have gone too far. Take the plugs with sloted screws out of the sides of the fuel bowls. The fuel level should be right even with the bottom of the holes. If not the float on the corresponding bowl needs to be adjusted. These are some basic things to try. If you need more or instructions on adjusting the float level, reply & some of us will help.
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