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Old 02-02-2016, 09:43 PM   #1
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HELP! I need to verify a 1966 Fleet side short bed vin number verses a step side!

I need to verify that this truck is a factory fleet side not a factory step side and the bed changed out.

Is this a factory shortbed fleet side truck vin I have heard this was a short bed step side but i have not seen a vin with 34 in it.

not seen this C14346Axxxxxx no such thing?

C1446Axxxxxx is this a factory step side or fleet side or are they the same? if not a factory fleet side what would the vin look like?

This truck looks untouched and all original.

If not a factory fleet side what would the vin look like or like I mentioned before are they the same in the vin regardless.

C14?6Axxxxxx please let me know asap thanks
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