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Old 02-03-2016, 06:40 PM   #4
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Re: Truck listing to one side

Measure from the ground to the bottom of the frame rail on each side, not the bumper.
Measure the same at the front suspension to make sure everything is square.
Then start looking to see where things might be off. Check the bed mounts, the body mounts too--they may be the problem and it's the body that is listing and not the chassis.
Make sure the panhard bar isn't twisted or binding as well.
Measure from the top of the axle housing to the frame above it.

In short, measure anything and everything that could be off, from front to rear.

'61 Suburban daily driver: off the road due to 180-pound 8-pt buck!
'62 K-10 long-step project
'61 C30 Camper, aka "Valdez"

There's no cool like Old School
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