Originally Posted by davepl
They're a bit of a fire hazard. ... Steel doesn't burn, break, or crack.
Excellent points. Thanks for that.
Originally Posted by Clemsonhelo
...a carb rebuild would do a world of good. I recently rebuilt my Edelbrock on my 350 and it solved nearly all my issues. A rebuild kit is around 40 bucks, and replacement carb is around 300. ..... my thought process was that if I couldn't get everything back together, I wasn't really that much worse than before, and if I did get it fixed then I would have saved myself a few hundred bucks
All excellent points. I'm timid about doing this but as you said, not much to lose.
Originally Posted by Jrainman
Holley does have a website that will help you trouble shoot and set up your carb, also holly has videos that will help you.
Good to know, I'll check it out when I get a few minutes free.
Originally Posted by engineer_gregh
...It could be that you have a worn timing chain and/or worn cam lobes. Either can cause a hesitation when trying to accelerate and can cause an intermittent back fire. Any idea hows many miles are on the engine?
...should be a number stamped and on the drivers side rear there is a number stamped, those numbers can be googled to tell you what year and size engine you have
Hopefully it isn't major things worn out, but it certainly could be. No idea of the miles. The previous owner had basically no info, and they guy he bought it from wouldn't respond to my inquiries about general history of the truck.
Here is a number I saw on the engine - is this the one I should be looking for?