What ever one decides to call them, who has actually added them to their non-light cab roof? Not talking from the factory lights with the raised sections of the roof for each individual light, aka... fireman's hat or hockey puck lights. Referring to the later style tear drop style from Yankee.
I have a '71 4x4 1/2 ton, swing out camper mirrors and stock height but I just really think those lights look great on a 4x4. Trouble is I paid mucho dinero, time and Budwieser to rid my truck of holes and rust. Having a really hard time convincing myself to drill holes in the nice straight newly repainted truck roof. Wish I had wanted to do so at that time but hind-sight is always 20/20,
Have seen the posting that Longhorn Man from the board posted and he had a great idea for adding them. I just have to get myself past the idea of putting new holes in my cab roof. Any one who has done it care to put my own reluctance at ease with sharing their experience? Glad you did it, wouldn't do it again, any pitfalls, problems?