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Old 03-01-2004, 11:54 PM   #5
Right on the line, baby!
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Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Phila, PA 19130
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thanks for the input

383 is my fall-back. I was interested in the 391, but couldn't justify the extra $$for the 8 cubes. I can get a $460.00 rotating asssembly from Speedomotive (plus balancing). All cast- nothing forged, but for my less than 6,500 rpm purpose, it will do just fine.

Rogf4: Can you send me pix of the damage ( & how much do you want for the block?

Got my heads this weekend. iron Sportsman 72cc chambers. Wieand (sp?) Stealth intake & Crane Energizer cam (10007). All that & Crossy still has a full basement. Of course, if I go 400, I'll have to drill out the heads.

I will eventually have a good running 305 for sale. Maybe 2,000 miles on it.

See you at Cowtown- just look for the ugly truck with the graffiti on the fender.

83 GMC 406 th400/3.73 Eaton Truetrac posi, headers, x pipe, & racePros. Tubular control arms, lowering rear springs, caltracs. Still ugly, but getting built right, although slowly

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