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Old 02-08-2016, 09:55 PM   #5
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Re: Not enough heat out of a vintage air gen IV system

When I first installed my Gen IV system, the heater valve (the one that controls flow through the heater core) went bad within a week. It was making a strange buzzing noise, and adjustment of the temperature actuator switch had no effects. I even tried to re-calibrate the actuators to see if that was the problem. But the buzzing continued, even when the truck was off, creating a drain on my battery. I called Vintage Air and explained the problem. They sent me out a new valve and asked that I send them back the defective one so they could study it. The new valve has been working great so far. I don't like how the heater valve is located so close to the passenger side exhaust manifold. I suspected that the heat may have damaged the valve, despite Vintage Air saying it should be OK. So I wrapped the valve and wiring leading to it in a piece of Kevlar heat shield I had left over just to keep the heat off of it for good measure. Why cook the living daylights out of the poor thing when you don't have to?
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