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Old 02-09-2016, 08:26 AM   #13
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Re: Mufflers VS Catalytic converters

Originally Posted by 96blazr View Post
Seriously!!?? WTF kinda question is this?? It's a1967, THEY DIDN'T HAVE CATS, NEVER HAD CATS, NEVER USED CATS!! Why would you even think about putting Cats on any vehicle from 1967? Just run your Mufflers, whichever you choose, and be done with it.
Originally Posted by El Dorado Jim View Post
I really don't know why you would want to waste the money on cats, I am glad I only own '75 and older vehicles here in Ca, so I don't have to run cats or even smog my vehicles
If people voluntarily kept their vehicles properly tuned there would be no need for mandatory emissions testing. I don't like the testing any more than anyone else. In fact, I have never owned a vehicle required to go through that, either older or diesel. But...on the '90 Blazer I bought new for my wife, I wanted dual exhaust for the 350. It's what I have always done. My exhaust guy wouldn't do it because the state dept of environment had come down on the state dept of trans for not enforcing the laws. The law reads the exhaust must run same size same design same exit point as factory for that particular engine in that vehicle. They were fining and taking the (emissions) license from violators. I finally found a shop not concerned and had my true dual exhaust using 2 Flowmaster mufflers and 2 Thrush full flow converters run. With the better flowing less restrictive exhaust the Blazer made more power using less throttle while emitting less harmful gases than factory. I reduced the emissions output while breaking the emissions laws.
This got me to thinking why not on an old truck? I came up hating converters, but if they don't hurt performance with the result being cleaner air than what's the harm? This was 25 years ago and I was looking ahead at what they might do about older vehicles emissions in the future. Having my exhaust guy turn down my dual exhaust job sent my mind reeling and that's where it ended up. If keeping these trucks registered required installing catalytic converters I would be willing. If someone wants to do this on their own I say more power to them.
"BUILDING A BETTER WAY TO SERVE THE USA"......67/72......"The New Breed"

GMC '67 C1500 Wideside Super Custom SWB: 327/M22/3.42 posi.........."The '67" (project)
GMC '72 K2500 Wideside Sierra Custom Camper: 350/TH350/4.10 Power-Lok..."The '72" (rolling)

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