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Old 02-09-2016, 05:51 PM   #18
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Re: Mufflers VS Catalytic converters

You can almost change to fuel injection for what Cats cost. My '83 K20 has dual exhaust with hi-flow cats and no mufflers. I had an '89 IROC with dual cats (California emissions) and ran it for a while with no muffler. Both sound weird. You really need a resonator at least with a Cat. But I agree with above. NO WAY would I voluntarily add Cats to a vehicle that did not require it.

Cost of small-block fuel injection is dropping. I went to the AACA swap meet in Nashville over the weekend. I always carry a TPI to sell, or at least draw people to my table. I was asking $250. There were people reporting buying complete TPI units for $125-150. So cost of entry for TPI is not that high really. Lets say a $150 intake (not from me), $200 rebuilt Bosch injectors, $25 ECM, $100 PROM, $75-100 fuel pump, and a $250 harness. $20 oxygen sensor. Optional $75 VSS, but I would run it. Some fittings and gaskets and air cleaner. You could take some $$ off if you used a 3.1 Corsica or Caviler harness and adapted it (or found a Camaro cheap enough). You might find a tank that had an internal pump or you might use external. You can do the swap in a weekend. I love the way a TPI runs. I have 2 of them running. The visual appeal is awesome. If I was doing a big build I would do LS, but if you have a good running long block small block, TPI is great.
'83 K20-TPI
'73 C10
'79 C10-ex-diesel(SOLD)
'07 Tahoe(Son driving)
'14 Suburban-DD
'71 C10-current project
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