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Old 02-12-2016, 03:17 AM   #23
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Re: Title question washington and bill of sale

Since the seller didn't have the title in his name I told him that I doubt he would do that ( has to pay taxes ) - just to make to easier for me. We parted ways.

Is it true one has to get a letter from GM USA stating the truck meets 1969 Canadian safety standards?

I forgot to as alreadygone that question.

thanks for clarifying gst/pst payments.

The last call to ICBC stated they wouldn't insure it until they see it to verify vin etc.

So how one actually drives the truck when you get into BC after getting across border I still have to find out.

Another thing I have to find out is since the PLATE stays with the truck 99% of the time even after title transfer, is it removed when one crosses the border?
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