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Old 02-19-2016, 01:20 PM   #1
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1964 1/2 ton C10 rear differential - HELP!

Hi guys!

First off, I love the site and have been a member for a few years. I mainly research and follow builds to use them as inspiration for my frame off that I am currently in the middle of - so thanks to all of you for sharing your knowledge!

I have tried researching my question but have gotten lost in all of the information and would like to directly ask my question.

I have a 64' 12 bolt stock rear end. Here is what I would like to do...

I would like to continue on with the 3.73 gears but change from 6 lug to 5 lug however the axles that Early Classic sells are 30 spline and from my research my rear differential came with 17 spline axles.

So what I was thinking of doing was completely replacing all the internals (for peace of mind that everything is new) and then of course the new stuff will accept the Early Classic 30 spline 5 lug axles and then I will also upgrade the drum brake kit.

I went to a rear differential shop and they quoted me $2500!!!! They said what I am asking for is difficult and they do not make the replacement parts for this (1964) rear differential as much anymore, that is why the price is so high.

fyi - the reason why I want to rebuild and keep this rear end is I am a fan of rebuilding what I can and putting that same part back into the 64' VS going with a 71-72 rear differential etc.

What do you guys think? Can what I want to do be done? If so, was the shop crazy or accurate in their information/pricing?

Thank you all for the help!!
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