Thread: Big plans!
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Old 02-23-2016, 01:26 PM   #1
In The Ten Ring
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Big plans!

I have big plans for my fact.....I was in it late last night just taking measurements and planning more.

I'll get you guys some before, during, and after pics as work gets started.

1). Put truck back together. That's the main thing. The truck has sat there since 2005, and never run. I am nearly ready to put it back together, thanks in large part to the advice, help, and parts from this site. Thank you all!

2). Rent a metal storage container, one I can put in my driveway.

3). Throw all my junk into it.

4). Tear down the sheetrock ceiling.

5). Clean up the attic rafters.

6). Rewire the garage (hardly "wired" at all outlet is all I have!).

7). Paint the walls. Decided on a tan color.

8). Build some shelves. I'm going floor to ceiling on one side.

9). Put stuff back into the garage.

10). Return container

11). Live the good life!

I'll get started come May. WISH ME LUCK!
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