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Old 02-24-2016, 10:47 AM   #1
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72 El Camino Daily Driver Project

Just started a 72 El Camino project this past weekend. Pulled the nose off the car and while my bodyman started cutting out the rusted rear cabin panel I started dropping in my new (new to me anyhow) 2002 LS-1 and T56 6 speed transmission. Got all the new brackets on the motor on Saturday and dropped it in for test fitting on Sunday. Modified the stock crossmember so it will work.
This coming weekend the plan is to pull the motor and trans back out, remove the intake manifold, exhaust manifolds, and make just soo slightly of a notch where the pan is too close to touching. Once that's done I plan to swap out the steering gear box to a Jeep Grand Cherokee unit I bought and clean up the area before it goes back in for good. Hopefully that will happen this weekend too.
Wish me luck.
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"Life is too short to drive a boring vehicle".
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