Thread: Buyer beware
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Old 02-24-2016, 11:14 AM   #52
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Re: Buyer beware

So this brings up an interesting question about LWB - SWB conversions. Some have explained what the correct way is. What I have not seen folks talk about are complete cab swaps. Back in the day when these truck were much more common, I would have to think that doing a complete swap was much more of an option as opposed to today due to availability of trucks/parts.

Lets define cab swap. I see this as a complete cab with matching VIN, SPID and data plate being set onto a SWB frame and retaining all the factory equipment as outlined in the SPID. What you end up with is an uncut original frame and bed used with a cab where everything is right. I personally am not sure if these trucks had the VIN stamped into the frame/bed, but honestly cant say that I would care if everything else was done right. The SPID would obviously still say 127 but the truck itself would really be no different than any other SWB that rolled off the line. Yes, quality of work matters, and it is understandable that if it was cobbled together where no panel lined up and everything was off, the whole thing would look like poo. But in good hands, I would have to think THIS approach is the next best thing to a 115 SPID factory truck.

Lots of these were wrecked back in the day. Finding a nice SWB truck with a straight frame probably wasn't too hard. And swapping everything over from one frame to another is not rocket science either. Paint it the correct SPID colors and you have a factory frame short bed with all the correct equipment as per the SPID. Keep the glove box closed and you wont see the '127'

The purist will probably disagree I am sure, but I would have no issue buying a well put together truck of this nature.
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