Thread: Buyer beware
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Old 02-24-2016, 11:54 AM   #56
Stalker Nate
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Re: Buyer beware

Originally Posted by im4darush View Post
In FL every out of state title requires a VIN inspection. They check to make sure the VIN on title, matches the VIN on cab. Both would match so I don't see any issues. They never get under any car to look for numbers on the frame. I have purchased a good 10 cars out of state and every time has been a comparison of title VIN, to VIN under the glass or on cab if its an older truck. Would be pretty cool to see the DMV lady crawling on all 4's looking for the frame VIN.

Are there actually states out there that will not issue a title unless they confirm that paper title, matches cab, matches frame?
The VIN & Title might match, but they wont match what the person actually sees. That's the point lol If I take my '72 K10 LWB Titled truck to get inspected but it really looks like a '68 1/2T SWB the inspector and insurance agent is going to question me lol If I got into an accident they'd really wonder and my premiums were actually based on what the VIN/Title states not what the truck actually is so it could then be void. In my area we don't mess around unless it's done 100% with the DMV.

And yes the frame numbers can and will be checked if anything seems off. I work in the fraud investigation business and lots of stuff gets looked at that some people don't even think of.
1957 GMC SWB stepper modified summer time driver
1963 Chevy Fire Dept. Command Center Van 2 ton - future food vending truck project
1965 Chevy P10 Ice Cream Truck project

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