Thread: Buyer beware
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Old 02-24-2016, 06:13 PM   #64
SS Tim
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Re: Buyer beware

Originally Posted by 70STOVEBOLT View Post
Hi Mark,

My partner purchased and fixed up this truck. I never checked the VIN's and he didn't either other than to match the title to the B pillar. Agreed that we have a mess on our hands. The VIN reads as a '71, agreed and we even have a different VIN on the door. The glove box vin looks to be purposely scratched. This truck appears to be a pile of parts. Too bad as it's a great runner and has a nice body. We did remove it from eBay until we can clear things up. Once I realized that we had a mess I wasn't comfortable keeping the auction going. Weird that the title reads '72 but VIN is '71. Last issued in the '90's That's Idaho for you. I'm going to have the State inspector stop by and we will probably get the title reissued as a '71. Either way we are backing away from any claims to original. I'm OK making an honest mistake and knowing that in the future we need to do more due diligence. I'm not OK intentionally misrepresenting a classic.

Thanks for the email and all the best,

Sun Valley Auto Club, Sales
This is substantially similar to the reply I received Tuesday, February 23, 2016 5:48 AM, though far more expanded and polished. In fact it appears they went and checked the frame numbers in the middle of drafting the reply to me. This was in response to an email sent Monday at the culmination of my "by the numbers" research for Tony.

Anyway I was thanked for bringing a number of inconsistencies to the seller's attention thus saving him a refund and shipping expenses. At that time he stated an intent to close the auction. Time will tell if this becomes a "shop truck" or possibly a "fully disclosed" driver for a proud new owner.

To those that think it doesn't matter think again, this is but one path stolen trucks and parts become whole and titled.

Last edited by SS Tim; 02-24-2016 at 06:24 PM.
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