Originally Posted by steveo3318
Looks great. Thank you for the pics and info. I basically can split shift my three speed and make it s six speed but to much work. What kind of RPMS are you running around 70. I am running 1900 at 70. With 373 gears. I can run a 100 and still be well under 3000RPMS. done it a few times. It blows my friends minds I can cruise at the 100 mark with them in their 2015 camaros and mustangs
I'd love to know what you did with your transmission set up. I still have the 3 speed column shift on my '72 C-20. If you have a link to it, please forward me to it!
Love the write up on the FiTech. I'm definitely doing this set up if the LS swap is just gonna be too far to reach right now. Besides I can always get a 6LS MSD and still use the FiTech.
Thanks for the write up!