Originally Posted by ram153624
The 1994 S10 and many other fuel tanks, as Blue666 points out, have intank pumps with sending units that can accept LS pumps (58psi). There are many sources on eBay for these. The filter and pressure regulator I will use is the Wix 33737, used on the '98-'04 Corvette. To make the lines simple, I will use braided stainless steel from Earl's Plumbing with the hose ends that plug into the factory fittings. We must be cautious to use the new hose that will stand up to today's crappy fuel. Remember that these are nothing more than glorified rubber hoses, so check with Earl's to ensure that the hose will last.
I will post pix of the install when I can get out there to work; it is still cold in GA
I forgot to mention that the pump that Potak and Bryant recommend is the Walbro 340, which is readily available on eBay. I haven't ordered mine yet, but the pix indicate that it will be a drop-in deal for the S10 tank.
With the S10 tank, Walbro 340 pump, Wix 33737 FPR/filter, and Earl's lines, this is the most simple and lowbuck setup I can imagine.
2004+ LS setups use a pump that has the regulator and filter built into it. Have you considered using one of those? Do you have pics of how the S10 tank fit, specifically how far below the frame rails does it sit?
Originally Posted by 65Gregg
Tanks inc 53-54 Chevy passenger car, baffled and ready for Tanks supplied pump.
How did you mount this, and do you have pics of what it looks like from below and behind?