Re: Original Tire Size for 59?
Its weird seeing all these 15 inch tire replies , my dads 58 3200 came stock with 16.5"x6" Split Rims , I did not even know they had 15" rims for trucks back then , when my dad swapped out to a V8 is when he went to the 15" and that was in the late (1969) 60's , he only swapped because of the issue of airing up a flat on a split rim , and the safety issue it caused
Anyway , i always thought all the trucks back then only came with 16.5" which would have been the standard , at least that is all i ever saw growing up in Southern California , i never saw a truck with anything but 16.5" split rims until the late 60's early 70's , in fact my dads truck was the first i saw that had switched to 15" non split rims , granted i was only 9 in 69 , but i was around cars and trucks and racing , etc all my life , and just do not remember any trucks with 15"
Oh well , must be a East Coast/Northern thing !!