72greenc10, I plugged your #'s into one of my spreadsheet calculators to give you some expected shift speeds based on a 5800 RPM shift point w/ 3:73:1 rear gears (using the stock 700R4 gear ratios and using a 275/40/18 which is ~26" "squished/loaded"). 1st - 39 mph, 2nd - 73 mph, 3rd - 119 mph, 4th - 170 mph. Those are of course theoretical speeds assuming no slip in the drivetrain. Generally, the calculator hits 1st and 2nd pretty good, but then drag effects starts to kick in and you start wishing you had more HP

. If you want to see any different rear end ratios just let me know and I can run them through my calculator or give you some equations you can use on your own.
On a side note, I too am working to make my truck more "pro-touring/autocross", although flipped flopped from you, more driver than racing. I'll definitely be following along on your progress. Haven't decided on my suspension just yet though. One day I'll start a build thread ...