Thread: HYBRID hood
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Old 02-29-2016, 11:32 AM   #8
robber grin
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Re: HYBRID hood

Thanks guys - I'm absolutely stoked to get this hood done finally. It's a vision that came to me some time ago - maybe 3 years or so back in the early stages of the build.

I like different subtle things that set a vehicle apart without turning it into a clown car so I hope fans of the 60-66 trucks will see it and appreciate the mod

Most lookie-lous won't know the difference or appreciate the work involved and that's okay too.

DK I saw flop and his earlier work on another board

Followed his Pontiac build pretty close / his skills are so impressive

We're both in the Pittsburgh area so I had to see if he might do this since I don't have the metal working skills to section a hood

So he did the metal work - pick it up this Saturday after he finishes the details
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