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Old 03-03-2016, 07:37 PM   #3
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Re: Hubcap fitment question

Thanks for the reply. The hubcaps that I just bought are original and really nice and straight. I hate to bend them or splinter the back edges. I was thinking about grinding some of the nubs down, just a small amount. Also, I was thinking along the same line that you were, on the hubcap removal tool. I was thinking a round bar with a flattened spoon shape and hooked as you said. Then design a slide weight something on the order of a dent removal tool. This would give a quick snap to the hubcap. I did take a hacksaw blade and slightly marked the lip of the rim were one of the large nubs are located, so I would know were to pry from. I was just wondering how many other folks had the same problem, and how did they deal with it. Thanks again for your thoughts.
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