Originally Posted by Mrturner1
Got the pulleys lined up and new belt on. Fired right up and ran it at 2100-2500rpms for another 20 minutes. Then I turned the idle UP to about 3000 rpm and put a timing light on it. It was way about 11 degrees off. Unplugged the vacuum advance on the distributor, and set my timing dial to 36, turned the distributor a bit advanced until I was at 0 on the timing tab and it started running MUCH nicer. No pops, hiccups or backfires now and I re plugged the vacuum advance. Idled down to 850, and it's ABSOLUTELY NASTY. That 280H comp magnum is a beast! The bump in compression made a nice improvement as well.
I'm playing with the 650 AVS carb still. Two screws on the front, left is idle mixture screw correct? What should that be set at? Left screw is what? And Edelbrock masters out there.
One thing I noticed is MUCH faster throttle response which I didn't expect but really really like. No studder when you stab it fast and it revs way faster than it used to. This thing honestly is NOTHING like it used to be, and I'm so glad I listened to advice and went ahead with pullin the motor and doing it all thorough and right, it really paid off big time.
I'm no computer genius but I'm working on videos. I have the first three tries that died due to timing. And I have one where I got it dialed close enough and ran it. I also have an idle and rev video after it was all times right with a gun and light. Any body help with video posting?
Both the screws in the front are air fuel adjust screws, one supplies one bank the other supplies the other bank, they should be roughly 2 to 2 1/2 turns out from lightly seated (meaning "lightly" bottomed, then backed out) Idle should be about 700, turn one air fuel screw in slowly until the idle gets a little rough then back it out about 1/4 turn, do the same on the other screw. Thats a good starting point.
I am a bit concerned about your timing tho as mentioned above.