Re: uploading pictures ,There's got to be an easier way ?
My I Phone 6 S Plus experience:
Take photo's with round button on the right to eliminate cussing later.
Open the photo's Icon, click on one photo then select the email icon below.
Enter your own email addy and title.
Select Send, a popup will ask what size do you want the pictures, i always select large.
Go to home computer, open same email.
click the first picture, select download.
Picture opens in viewer window, right click and select save, choose your folder and save.
repeat for the rest of the pictures you just sent yourself.
Now go to the forum and make a post, when you click manage attachments you can pick browse, find the photo and upload one at a time, but you can upload all 5.
I do it this way because i don't sync my phone that often. It works for me.
Last edited by swamp rat; 03-07-2016 at 07:45 PM.