03-05-2016, 12:28 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2015
Location: Prescott Arizona
Posts: 621
Re: slotted mags ID???
Originally Posted by El Dorado Jim
that is way to much for these old wheels, I see them at swapmeets all the time for under $200.00 for a set,there is a big swapmeet in Sacramento next month, I can see what I can find, are you looking for 15 x 10" or would 15 x 8" work? another thing, if they are going on a 4 wheel drive the center holes have to be bigger than 2 wheel drive, It looks like your avatar pic is a 2 wheel drive...the older wheels from the 70's were not usually polished , they were a more milled/brushed look, not sure if you want highly polished, they would be more money ,are the ones you are inquiring about polished? if so, they may be worth $300- $400 for the set
They want $300 for polishing. Think this mechanically and fund challenged guy can do it. LOL
1968 Long Bed
2016 Honda Civic Coupe EX-T ticket magnet