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Old 03-05-2016, 12:48 PM   #10
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Re: 6 million dollar question on corvette fuel filter/regulator

Yep , That how I see it also . In on the 3/8 and travels thru the filter, filtered fuel go to engine or back to the tank thru the center 5/16".

Even if you did put fuel to the 5/16 , like Mongo said it would probrably dead head against the regulator part . If fuel did get past and thru the 5/16 fitting it would be unfiltered fuel going straight thru .

So it is confirmed the 3/8" offset fitting is the inlet . There is miss information all over the place for this . Best as I can tell wix even has it wrong on there specs .

Now that I know for sure how it works and I do have it right . It looks like the wix filter is reading lower pressure . I am going to put another on and see what it does . It not any better I am going with a a/c delco . If that don't do it I will put a aeromotive regulator on it and do away with the filter/reg . That probably what I should do anyway .

Last edited by homemade87; 03-05-2016 at 12:58 PM.
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