Thread: Gauge cluster
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Old 03-06-2016, 09:16 AM   #7
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Talking Re: Gauge cluster

ditto on what LockDoc said, and if you recently painted your truck, make sure there is a "Bare" spot for the ground clip or lugs to ensure a proper ground.....
I powder coated a lot of parts, my core support for one, and there are several things that depend on a good ground on that, horns, turn signals, ETC....
Take a very close look at your printed circuit board (plastic on the back of the gauges with copper foil traces on it) make sure that none of them are broken or grounded to the tin on the back of the gauges, also, the amp meter, water temp gauges have resistors (small flat rectangular white pieces) that are insulated from the tin, and have studs they attach too, make sure these aren't touching any metal....
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