Originally Posted by Ringo934
Beautiful truck. I want to get mine tinted; How’s the brow on the windshield? Is it so low, that you are constantly looking through it? I cut and welded my seat brackets to lower the bench seat two inches, but I am worried I might still sit a little too tall for a brow. Is it an issue for you?
It doesn't bother me any. I normally wouldn't tint my classics but this one was already done, and done well, and I plan on driving it a lot. So it'll stay. I'm 6'1" y'all and it's not in my line of vision.
Originally Posted by Already Gone
Looks super and the tailgate paint, chrome caps on the white wheells make it look like it should.
Thank you. I agree it helped tremendously.
Originally Posted by Sicklajoie
Wow, that is one beautiful truck! Nice work!
Originally Posted by factorystock
Looks great, much improvement in my book. The "showroom look" never goes out of style.
Originally Posted by allchevy58
Good job, looking good.
Thanks guys