Thread: 1951 Chevy / C4
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Old 03-06-2016, 08:49 PM   #444
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Re: 1951 Chevy / C4

Well getting ready to start ripping on Ken's truck. Finally have most of the garage done. Still have to run the 100 amp service wire from the house and install the 24 space box yet. But about out of money so it will have to wait a little while. I also bought a 100,000 btu natural gas heater I have to hang from the ceiling yet too. I have the 1 inch gas line e run from the house to the garage. I built some wall art for the wall. It was a fun project and only took a few hours. I also am doing a small project for a buddy, it is a 68 camaro lower valance with the markers filled and the holes shrank up 4 inches. Then I am adding the 69 camaro round marker/turn signals. Once I have that finished it is onto the doors and hinges on the pickup. It will feel good to get back to working on it again with the added space. Also looking to finish up the inner fenders I made, waiting for the ac compressor. Need to cut out the fender well and recess it back in. So I should be back on it this week and am looking forward to posting pictures again.

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