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Old 03-06-2016, 09:01 PM   #142
I know the pieces fit
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Re: Sarge's rattle-can rebuild

Anyone else perpetually riding the Time & Money Pendulum? This was one of those weekends where I had plenty of one and none of the other, you can probably guess which. That's OK, there's always something to catch up on. I'd shelved a few projects while it was so dang cold, one of them was my drivers side window regulator. When I did all the work to the vent windows and doors, the drivers side door window had a tight spot in it when you rolled it up, but only with the door panel on. Weird, right? I ended up bending the new regulator before I figured it out. Well, Boog figured it for me, he suggested I check the inner door shell. It was bowed in a bare smidge, but it was enough to bind up with all new seals on everything, including the door panels. I'd rolled the window up and left it there for the winter. I was able to bend the inner shell back with my hands, it wasn't easy but it didn't have to move much. I'd already ordered a new regulator, so I got that installed. I didn't take a picture of this earlier, but I'd bought a roll of plastic sheeting at Home Depot and used it to line inside the doors. And I didn't take a picture, but I also replaced the foam strip at the lower inside of the door panel. Drivers side works well now.
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79 2wd Blazer (Bruiser)
85 M1009 Blazer (Sarge) build
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