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Old 03-08-2016, 07:14 PM   #1
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1971 Chevy pickup cooling questions

This may get a tad lengthy. I bought a beautiful 1971 bronze chevy pickup.. I live in central new York and the truck came from Arizona. The wiring is a mess but getting through it. My biggest problem is this. The engine cooling fan runs all the time as soon as you turn the key. It is not thermostatic controlled. It is also a huge cooling fan on what looks to be a huge racing aluminum high flow radiator. I am sure in Arizona its very practical but not where I am. I need the engine to heat up so I can use the heater most of the year. I put a 190 degree thermostat in it. Temperature never comes up I think because of the fan always running. If I need to thermostat control my cooling system can someone tell me how. Thanks in advance great site!!!
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