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Old 03-08-2016, 09:15 PM   #16
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Location: Pleasant Plains, Arkansas
Posts: 51
Re: 6 cyl Overdrive transmission

I'm in the process of putting a 2004r behind a 250 in my 71. It originally had a factory T350 behind the 250 (odd combo but it's on the original spid). The 200 is the same length as a t350 so the driveshaft length is fine. The bell housing to mount location matches a t400 so you only have to move the stock crossmember to the t400 bolt holes in the frame so no drilling. Mine is all bolted in now but I've not tackled the cable yet. Still saving for FI for it first. The inlines were pretty torquey at low revs so I'm not too concerned about 3.73 being too high rear. Just pull it out if OD in town. I do that now in a Chevy coupe I'm running a 700r4 in behind a small block with 3.73 rear.
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