Originally Posted by BrianG
My gut tells me it's those electric fans. The right shroud, a clutch and a fan really wouldn't be all that much with what you already have into this. Could always try to sell the electrics on CL or something. You hear much less people who have had issues with the correct clutch fan setup cooling properly compared to those who have had issues trying to get electrics to work correctly on these old trucks. I have an old radiator, no overflow tank, 35 inch tires, a 4x4 and have worked it hard off road with a stock shroud and fan. It don't overheat and I don't have to even wonder if the fan is going to come on. It works because that's how the truck was designed to work. ........ Okay sorry to come back to this again, but please at least consider that the fans might not be the best setup for your cooling system.
Well I'm staying open minded, but I don't see how a mechanical fan could cool as well as dual 2500 cfm electrics while at idle. BUT, I don't know what cfm a clutch fan pulls at idle so I can't make an educated argument about that. I'm gonna be bummed if my fan setup isn't sufficient, but, whatever it takes to make it work