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Old 03-13-2016, 09:46 PM   #7
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Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas
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Re: 63' 1/2 ton 2WD SWB Body Lift

Extended the clutch rod and got that all hooked back up - added a couple pictures on the Flickr lift site.
I went ahead and pulled the shift linkage off and ordered new bushings and such for it. Should have the rods lengthened before the new stuff gets here.
A couple of weeks ago I decided to put a collapsible steering column in, and remove the solid steering rod. Multiple reasons, safety, rag joint was in need of replacing, etc. The primary reason is it was stretched, workable, but on the edge. and did not like the idea of building shims under dash with e brake brackets etc. Ordered a 24" collapsible column (3/4" and 1"), and two u-joints from CPP. Will cut the 3/4" steering rod to length and grind it to 3/4 DD on top, and place a 3/4-36 spline joint directly on the steering gear. This should retain the original angels, tighten the steering a bit, give me some peace of mind.
Man, she does look good with this lift, I cannot wait to find my 16's and get new rubber on it.
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