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Old 03-14-2016, 02:52 AM   #23
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Re: People who try to buy your truck

Have had many compliments on the K20 but the VW bus has been nuts the past 8 years or so. It always starts out the same

Dude: what year is it?

Me: What the "coffin"?. its a 63

Dude: coffin? (gleam of hope in their eyes)

Me: Yup, gettin buried in it.

Dude: (hopes dashed look on his face) come on, everything has its price

Me: well if you can beat the last offer its yours

Dude: what was it

Me: $42K

Dude: WHAT?! why didnt you take it?

Me: Because I cant replace it with one in the same condition for that much

Dude: people are crazy to be paying that much for an old bus

Me: Restored deluxes are going for $60-200K and rusted shells are $15-30 these days and I agree its ridiculous. Im glad to see someone has that kind of disposable income, wish it was me!

At that point it goes either way, we continue to talk about someone in their family that owned one and sold it cheap or gave it away or they walk away with that shocked look. Vary rarely is it a nice conversation without an offer to buy which I really appreciate.
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