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Old 03-14-2016, 04:40 PM   #12
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Re: Complete custom interior kits

Originally Posted by Grumpy old man View Post
I can make the dash cover and ship it to you for you to install on your dash pad , There's a couple pictures and more info here

I would rather make a few of the sandalwood at the same time because of the amount of material needed length wise would cost more for me to order and ship than what I would charge to make just 1 . I'm sure you understand or I could just raise the price to cover all the material costs

No, really the dash pad is longer than the material is wide so I have to buy the length needed going up the roll which leaves 2/3 as leftover and it would cost me to build you a dash cover ...Thats not good . PM sent
Yes I understand completely, I noticed that when I went and looked at the materiel sample page. I see the pics in the other thread, they look great. I did not receive a PM, but would be interested in a sandalwood pad with white stitching. Let me know. Thanks!
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