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Old 03-14-2016, 10:14 PM   #6
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Re: '72 door adjustment

First off those striker plates have some seem sealer or glue on them from the factory that hold them in place you gonna need to knock snot out of them to loosen them up. The adjustment hole for each bolt is like an inch square [maybe closer to 3/4] but in any event they will move unless some weird act has been done to them.
Now one thing to bring up that rarely is talked about when this comes up is that the latch has two [notches for lack of a better word] that catches the striker. Now if and most times that is a big IF the striker is a little too far in it will go past the second notch and go on to another half that will make you think the door is not closing all the way when in fact it is gone too far. This usually show up after the some sort of work has been done in this area and are trying to set new latch plate settings.
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