71 C/10: This truck has the original (edit: see post 4) external transmission cooler mounted to the core & hood latch supports. I don't care for how it was mounted, primarily because it interferes with the LH park light connect on the core support. If I use this cooler, then I'd like to raise it and/or pull it forward.
This truck had A/C and will again. The condenser isn't mounted. As of this moment, I don't know how it's mounted. ........So, my questions are:
1. Do you recommend replacing the transmission cooler?
2. If so, can you recommend a cooler with hardware that mounts nicely to the support(s) and clears the condenser?
3. Can I trouble someone to take an image of the top of the original condenser, so I can see where it mounts and judge how much room is left for a cooler?................. If you can provide images for how it's mounted that's bonus and appreciated, but not necessary.
4. And my dumbest question of all, beings I'm taking a cooler off, do you recommend using a coupler to join the two hoses attached to the cooler, for temporary? Maybe caps instead? I can't imagine there would be a problem, but green prefers to ask a foolish question than jack something up.
I know many of you recommend using the radiator, but I likely won't. Don't know what's involved, which probably isn't much, but I assume to stick with the external only. The trans. has gone this far (45 yrs, 140K), still shifts like new and I won't be towing anyway.
Any other recommendations appreciated. Thank you
Image of current: