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Old 03-15-2016, 12:15 AM   #2
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Re: A/C condenser and transmission cooler - questions

I'm setting up a trans cooler on my 70 big block. Went to Pick-n-Pull and got a stock cooler from a more recent model 2500. Pretty much every 'burb and truck in the row had one. Got the hard lines, too. The only "mod" I did to get it to fit was to flip the bracket around relative to the cooler, so that the bracket gives a little more stand-off distance so the cooler clears the condenser better.

You don't "have to" use the internal/radiator cooler, but I like to. It does help keep the trans from running too cold. I run them in series.

Generally you shouldn't cap the cooler lines. I'd connect them together and let the fluid flow around the loop, even without a cooler until you get one.
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