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Old 03-15-2016, 12:32 AM   #1
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Question about 67' dual master swamp

I've read the sticky about the swamp and some other threads.... But do have a question. I got a 67' dual master, gonna install into my 63.... It's pretty clear that my brake pushrod is going to work and won't have to worry about that, now after sourcing all the right Brass Adapters for the piping, but once that is all put together... I'm confused on which 2 of the ports are for which Brake lines.. The back port closest to the firewall is a 5/8s port... And the front is 9/16th.... I can see by eyeball on the pictures from other threads my ports are reversed, looks like the other MC they have got a 5/8s port on the front.... Maybe I am over thinking but I am going to attempt to do the swamp after work and be able to drive my truck the next day, so I want to be sure on the procedure... If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate... Thanks a ton for reading!
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