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Old 03-15-2016, 10:50 AM   #109
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Smile Re: People who try to buy your truck

Originally Posted by Dave K. View Post
No inquiry ever really pisses me off. I've had the biggest a-holes inquire on cars and they ended up buying at good prices. I've never seen greenies say anything nor have I had folks who were really insulting. That being said I might just be an exception. Of course who of us haven't low-balled someone at some time? If you haven't you've probably paid to much on more than one occasion! I call it respectfully low-balling and it's how you present it.....
Nicely put Dave...that is very close to where I would be at.
I do find it amusing that when a 'whats it worth' posting pops up a few guys always lowball the trucks...some down below the $1000 mark.
Interestingly everything they own starts at $10,000...or $
I've been approached about mine from time to time and its always been a respectful conversation...which of course, goes both ways.
Its a pickup truck, its not the last L88 ever made. I simply tell the guy that there are still thousands of these trucks out there and to keep looking....i find them all the time, every week and he can too and if he needs a hand looking I might be able to help him out for a fee.

All Good
....for some men, there is experience, skill and effort....for the others...there is visa and UPS LOL
1966 Chevy 1/2 ton (Florida- Red/white)
1972 Chevy 1/2 ton (California- Blue/white)
2005 Chevy Silverado HD2500/Duramax
2000 Dodge Ram 1500
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