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Old 03-05-2004, 10:46 AM   #14
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: valleysprings,california
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I mean come on how many girls have you talked to that just start radomly talking about how they like the older trucks like yours,
my friends daughter, (16) wants her dad to buy my (unrestored) stepside.Every time she see's it she keeps asking me to sell it !She thinks our trucks are "so cool looking".She shocked the crap out of me when she asked how long it would take to restore it with some of "dads" help....... I let her drive it around the neighborhood 1 time , manual steering, brakes,4 speed.She had a smile from "ear to ear", ive never heard the word "cool" used so many times in a 15 minute drive..... jeff
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