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Old 03-16-2016, 11:11 PM   #9
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Location: Shenandoah Valley, Virginia
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Re: What is this connector?

That would explain it. Thanks you guys! Today was a good day, I've been having a pretty serious oil leak everywhere I'd go I had a puddle of oil left behind, well today was nice weather and I actually had time to look into it. Climbed under the truck and saw oil down the side of the engine, popped the hood and I could tighten the last valve cover bolt with my finger, tightened that up and no more oil leak! Thank the lord, it was driving me insane recently.
85' GMC Sierra Classic
Built 350; Weiand intake, Holley 600, Thumpr Cam
Built 350 turbo with shift kit & 2500 Stall
Thumpin' away
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