Originally Posted by East_Bound
Thanks for the reply. That's not a bad idea using a large washer. Did your puller actually thread into joint? I think thats where I went wrong. The puller I used was one size to big so I didn't think it'd force itself in there, I got too distracted with getting the damn bearing off..stuff happens...
Did you attach the puller to the end of the bearing on? Mine didn't budge a bit, I just might have to use a torch like you suggested.
My puller didn't thread in, it kinda...smashed in a bit before I realized what was going on. But again I was able to stop and save the threads.
I think I got the puller on the yolk, and once the yolk came of the splines the bearing slid right off.
Maybe also try soaking the splines in PB Blaster or something similar.