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Old 03-22-2016, 06:40 AM   #8
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Re: Old School 4x4 Wheels

Originally Posted by Rednwhitec20 View Post
CrewCab59 i think the widest i want is 12. Thanks for the name though!
And CG im definitely with you. By old school I mean small wheel with a deep dish. Not really old school. But I kind of consider them old school compared to these new goons with 20's that do nothing with a truck.
We think the same, but I still need to make a couple corrections. 15-16.5" wheels aren't small diameter, they are what belong on a truck, always have, and have only changed to bigger for some perverted sense of fashion started by ghetto drug dealers on the Blvd. That crap is "new school" (or just plain stupid, to me) and classic wheels are "school", a place to be educated. I think many use "old school" for anything that isn't made any longer. So, even these modern Weld Racing Typhoons from the later-90s the younger guys call old school. As "style" came along to play such a large roll in truck wheels, to the point that vanity outweighs function to a car-like level, the nice looking wheels for those who like the truck as much or more than the wheel got discontinued.

Up until about the time those Typhoons were made, you didn't have wide 16" tires available, so no wide wheels where offered. They were all 16.5 if they were wider. On 1/2t trucks the size was 15" straight on through the years GM sold solid axle trucks, with 16 and 16.5s available for special tires. Change for the sake of change, not improvement, is the same as a woman who spends 3 hrs putting make-up on and changing her clothes 5 times before going out the door . I remember when trucks were built for those who know what they want, not gimmicky gadgets and fashion statements for the fickle shopper
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