Thread: T-5 trans swap
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Old 03-22-2016, 07:39 AM   #1
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T-5 trans swap

Hey guys.....
I'm sorta(?) lost....I have a 93 T-5 and want to put it behind my 250 six cyl. in my 67 C-10.....I bought a 75 motor, bellhousing, flywheel, and clutch assy. and the trans with an aluminum spacer...My issue is the clutch pressure plate and disc are 10" with 10 teeth in the plate...The trans has 14 teeth...I can't find a 10" clutch plate with 14 teeth..Everything I see is either 10" or 11" with 10 teeth or 9 1/8 with 14 teeth.... Anyone know what plate I need?? I can get the whole 9 1/8 assy but I don't think that would bolt to my flywheel...
Thanks for the help, Dave
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