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Old 03-22-2016, 12:49 PM   #23
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Re: 2 Perfect 72 Cheyenne at AACA National in Naples

I wasn't trying to offend you either, and apologies if I did...just kind of playing off your screen name. On this and other site, a common theme is bad judging at car shows. If a person like modified, then AACA is the wrong venue. But if stock or very close to stock, AACA makes the $100,000 restoration almost meaningless. It doesn't earn them extra credit. These truck were as near perfect as I could determine. But I think their trim was polished better than the factory ever did it. And their paint was better than the factory did it. So if my truck was beside it, and if the trim and paint was like the factory did it, we would be even so far. With vehicles like that in your class, probably scoring close to 400, it does mean you would need to score 390 or close. But there aren't usually perfect vehicles in every class.
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